Today was my first full day as an incoming student at Ritsumeikan Daigaku (University). My day started prematurely, because my sleep was a bit thrown off by an unintentionally long nap that lasted from 5pm on Tuesday to 4am on Wednesday. I ended up getting a fine sleep and waking up just in time to join a crew of international students on their way to the Kinugasa Campus of Ritsumeikan, my campus.
The bus ride is super easy and only 220-yen (roughly 2 big, beautiful American dollars). I arrived on campus at the foot of the hills and mountains of northern Kyoto; the campus is surrounded by these low rolling and lush hills. We were quickly ushered into a classroom in the International Relations building and proceeded to take the Japanese placement exam. 3 hours of reading, writing, and listening skills; I was exhausted after the exam. We were treated to a great lunch in the cafeteria, which only solidified my belief that I will be fine eating Japanese food all year long.
After a much need snack orientation began. You know I just love it when well qualified teachers and advisors hand out detailed and concise infromation packets and then choose to read them right back to you . . . I love that shit . . . LOVE IT!!! So, three hours later we met our SKP (Study in Kyoto Programme) Buddies. My buddy's name is Asuka-san, she is very nice, very cute, and very not that good at speaking English. Asuka-san took our group, #10 reppin' it hard, on a tour of the campus. Compared to UBC Rits is small, but it's the TITS. Everybuilding is spick and span, seriously, mad flat screens. HOWEVER, I cannot fit into any of the desks . . truth. More importantly, on our tour we ran into the one . . . the only . . . jump rope group de Ritsumeikan. These guys blasted their boom box in front of the gym and put on this jump-rope-break-dance-smashin'-ass-cute-chicks-fly-guys-cooler-moves-than-ever-with-a-jump-rope act that i have ever seen.
After the tour Azusa-san, a Japanese student living in my dorm, took a few of us gaijin (foreigners, NOT white devils, ZACH) to a bike store. So, bikes in Japan are stupid cheap. I got a fresh fly hoopty for 6000-yen (around 60 juicy USD's), oh and that shit has a basket on the front. It feels great to fly down the left side of the road, leftside, got to remember that.
When it came time for dinner, Julia (from Denmark) and Frederica (from Germany) and I took a really nice bike ride into town to visit the 100-yen store to get some essentials: udon noodles, soba noodels, cup of noodles (but fire Japanese style), and little bananas.
I found a full caligraphy set in the lobby of my dorm, it must have been left by someone from last term. There's also so much other stuff in the lobby, i think it's a regular thing, you know Japanese lobby droppings and what not.
OK, my blogs will not be this long in the future, it's just I REALLY needed an outlet for all the stimuli I was exposed to today.
Much love to all. You can look forward to bi-weekly shout-outs, that is, once I start to go loopy from all of the fucking noodles crowing my living space.
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